OK SNITCHES YOU KNOW ME ...I had to hit up a real doctor, Dr. Susan Evans http://www.cosmeticphysiciansofbeverlyhills.com/ .. cuz me talking to Vivica is just not enough for some snitches - damn y'all !
I HAD SOME QUESTIONS FOR HER …I ALSO WANT HER TO DO MY BOTOX .. ( yes, I'm getting me some botox y'all - I don't know about Vivica, but I can't wait ! )
Here's my Q&A with the Doc:
What does a microdermabrasion do to the face?
Microdermabrasions, done properly, make the skin have an extra glow and shine. They generate epidermal cell structure, increasing skin elastisticity. It manually removes the top potion of the skin by vacuuming crystals, across the skin. This light exfoliation helps reveal a new layer of skin and because it’s more controlled does not have the same potential side effects that chemical peels do. Microdermabrasions should not to be confused with dermabrsions that are major procedures, require anesthesia and has two weeks of down time. Microdermabrasions work in many areas of the body and on all skin types. It is not plastic or cosmetic surgery. Many celebrities in our practice use microdermabrasions to rid an area of wrinkles, fine lines, brown spots, melasma, blemishes, acne scars, and even enlarged pores. Microderms are a 20 to 30 minute procedure. Their painless and no redness occur. You can almost immediately see the difference.
2. If Vivica Fox had Botox, would her forehead and face be able to move like it does naturally?
It depends on how much Botox is used. In our practice I often use smaller amounts on celebrity actors that need to make expressions for roles.
3. Having your bags removed... is that plastic surgery or is it cosmetic surgery?
There are several ways to address bags under eyes, the newer trend and what we use, in our busy Beverly Hills Practice are fillers. There is no down time and the under eye area can look rejuvenated. For more severe cases our board certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Brian Evans of Dr. 90210, can do an upper and lower eye lift. Even with surgery we work with the skin also to make sure the results are the best.
4. From what you know by looking at Vivica Fox, from this recent TV Land red carpet appearance, does it look like she's had plastic surgery? And if so, how excessive?
Vivica Fox looks fantastic! She does not appear to be letting her age slow her down. She admits to having breast augmentation and they look natural. Her breasts are a normal size, with full, midline, cleavage, as well as great positioning. Dr. Brian Evans, our board certified plastic surgeon, takes time to make breast implants look natural, and goes under the muscle whenever possible so implants are not seen. Vivica’s face is beautiful. In my busy dermatology practice, it’s clear that, women in there forties do not want to look their age. They do not want face lift surgery but natural enhancements and smoothing of wrinkles, sagging and pigment problems. Everyone should be on a good skin program that includes a sunscreen, antioxidant, exfoliate and vitamin A. Vivica’s body looks terrific. She obviously works out and keeps her body and skin together. Vivica Fox is still looking like she did in her twenties and therefore is the perfect host for the cougar!
5. Would you say out of all the Hollywood celebs you see that have had plastic surgery, does Vivica Fox make your top five for work done?
Vivica Fox has publically admitted to having breast implants and she is one of the top five for work done. I applaud her for coming out and sharing her surgical experience with others. It helps the public to know what she’s been through and hopefully they understand how much work goes into being the beautiful Vivica Fox. It’s not easy! Others that come to mind are listed below:
2. Ashley Tisdale, a young Disney star, who recently had a rhinoplasty.
3. Ashley Simpson, a singer and now actor, also had a rhinoplasty.
4. Actress Tara Reid, who has undergone surgeries and its complications, has had a breast augmentation and liposuction.
5. Vanessa Williams, R&B and pop singer as well as actress, has openly admitted to getting Botox injections
6. Sharon Osbornehas admitted to having many procedures after having gastric bypass. She has had Liposuction, tummy tuck, breast Aug, and a face lift.
7. Shar Jackson, Kevin Federline's ex-wife, underwent a mommy make over and received a tummy tuck and a breast lift after having her children.
8. Michael Jackson, great entertainer had Rhinoplasty and unfortunate complications afterwards.
9. Queen Latifah: TV movie star underwent, Breast reduction
10. Kelly Rolland., former Destiny child, Underwent breast augmentation and was brave to share it with the world.
11. Lil Kim: Rapper admits to breast implants, and she’s looking fabulous on dancing with the stars.
MORE INFO OR IF YOU WOULD LIKE A TOUCH UP OR HAVE SOME GOOD WORK DONE http://lastheplace.com/2006/10/08/dr-susan-evans-shares-her-expertise-on-dr-90210/ www.cosmeticphysiciansofbeverlyhills.com/N
Dr. Boogie